Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life in Bwood

Well we are still looking for a place to live. We have an appointmet to look at two houses in Comanche today. We really wanted to get a house in Brownwood, but the houses are a lot cheaper in Comanche. We are just checking out all our options. Keep us in your prayers that we will find a place to live soon! And that the salon will be open soon so I can start working. I spend my days taking Shiner and Oreo outside to pee and watching them sleep. At least now Payton has baseball games so I have something else to do. Not that I'm complaining, because there will come a day when I have kids and never get to sleep in again! I also just started going to a bible study with my mom-in-law Cindy at her church. It's a Beth Moore study of Esther. I'm really enjoying it. And Chad is liking his job, but nobody will replace Jack in Pecos, or Landon in Morton.


Unknown said...

Hey! I think Landon and Chad talked today...I know Landon misses having him in the office. Good luck on your 'house hunt.' I hope y'all find the house of your dreams!

jenn said...

I'm glad your bored for right now because your right about being busy later. Once you're really bored that just means the stuff is about to hit the fan.
Oh, and your funny. Is whitetail 365 really for your enjoyment?